26. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

Monday, July 30, 2012

I am here safe and sound-learning more and more everyday.  Will update in 2 months when I am allowed to.

Monday, July 23, 2012

It's pretty incredible to think that in three short days I will be in Rio!  The past year has been incredible:  I graduated high school, I was accepted to college, I received college scholarships, I passed my AP tests, and I was accepted to be an exchange student! 

I've been asked multiple times why I want to go on an exchange.  Some people ask me if I don't like America, or if my own family isn't good enough for me.  Truthfully, my desire to go on an exchange has nothing to do with either of those suppositions.  I love my family and I love my country.  However, that being said, there is a whole world out there just waiting to be explored!  I know that I've only been present on this planet for 18 years and a few odd months, but I'd like to think that I've acquired some wisdom throughout my life.  I've learned that you can't learn everything by reading a book.  Sometimes you just have to go out there and experience life for yourself!

I'm incredibly excited to embark on the adventure that lies ahead of me, but honestly I am also experiencing a bit of anxiety.  I have fears as I'm sure many other people would have if placed in my situation.  I fear that I will forget all the Portuguese I have learned thus far.  I fear that I won't make friends.  I fear that I will mistakenly do something that might offend my host family, Rotary Club, or country.  While they may be semi-irrational, they are nonetheless real to me.  To counteract my fears I also have plenty to be excited for!  I have an adorable 12 year old host sister who is the sweetest thing-and I'm going to be bunking with her!  My host brother's girlfriend has talked many times with me and she is so sweet, so I'm sure she will help me adjust.  My host brother Nicholas is coming to the United States, actually to Central York so while I help him with English, he can help me with Portuguese.  I'm excited for school!  It starts on July 30 but this will actually be the beginning of their second semester because their seasons are reversed from ours.  Basically I will attend the second semester, have summer break and then attend the first semester  of next year.  I honestly have no idea what grade I'll be placed in or what my classes are!  It's an adventure, right?!

I am not to have any contact with people back home for the first two months or so  because I need to become acclimated with the environment and language.  I will post a short update to let everyone know that I've arrived safely but after that no update until the end of September.

Ate Mais,
