26. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

Friday, June 14, 2013

Protests: A step in the right direction


The past few days protests have broken out in many of the large metropolis parts of Brasil.  The largest and most violent thus far has occured in São Paulo.  The protests were "caused" by the increase by 20 cents in fare for all types of public transportation.  But in all actuality that was just the tip of the iceberg, the spark that lit the flame of disgust, resent and anger of a large part of the younger population; that flame directed against their government.

The police have reacted with force; tear gas bombs, rubber bullets, and more.  The link to the video I posted shows the protestors chanting "without violence".

To many people 20 cents raise in transportation fees doesn`t seem like very much.  But for those who are of low income it is devasting.  The minumum wage hasn't increased, yet the fares continue to increase.  To live in Brasil is absurdly expensive in many ways.  Even to go to the shopping mall you pay to park.

What most surprised me when I first arrived was the incredibly noticeable difference in ways of life between social classes.  It was utterly shocking to be completely honest.  Some have three floor houses with maids, personal drivers, and beach houses to top it off.  They take multiple vacations throughout the year.  Yet others are working as the maids, earning minimal wage which I believe is around $350 US dollars per month.  

I don't want to seem pretentious and to pretend that there isn't a considerable difference in social classes within the US as well.  But at the same time I can't close my eyes and ignore what in my perspective seems to be a bigger difference.

Every Brazilian that I have talked with openly acknowledges the corruption in their government, and obviously it's not something they're proud of.  But it seemed to me that it was brushed aside as simply:  well...that's Brasil.

But I'm proud of the people who are protesting.  I think that it's ultimately a step in the right direction.  People of all class sizes are coming together to protest against what they believe is an unfair government.  Politicians that aren't in it for the people, but rather for personal profit.

I know that there are a lot of Americans that aren't happy with our goverment, especially with the latest news.  Maybe it's time for the power of the people?

Peaceful protest for a prominent change and progress?

Yes we can.