26. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Things People Tell Me

The two most common things I’m told:

“You’re eyes are so beautiful.”
While there are others of the caucasian persuasion, they rarely have light colored eyes.

“You’re tall.”
Never in my life have I considered myself to be tall, I am of the average height for American women.  However in comparison with Brazilian women, I am tall.

The two strangest things I’ve been told or asked:”

“Your eyes are like the sun.  So……nice.”
Sometimes people will try to talk with me in English because they can tell that I’m a foreigner and want to practice their English.  However, sometimes it is quite limited and the conversation is awkward and funny.

“So every American keeps a baseball bat under their bed, right?”
Oh thank you Hollywood for the vast array of stereotypes you  have produced.

The two funniest questions I’ve been asked:

“So, do you like live with vampires?”
            Many Brazilians confuse Transylvania with Pennsylvania.

“Do you have plastic bags in the US?”
I was helping my counselor fold the plastic bags into little triangles for easy storage when she asked me this.  Maybe she was just trying to make conversation, I don’t know.  But in any form, it gave me the giggles.  

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