26. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

Friday, November 30, 2012


Tomorrow I’m leaving on a 20 day tour of the northeast of Brazil with about 80 or so other Exchange students.  I won’t get a chance to blog on the trip, but you can follow the official trip blog if you wish.  Here’s the link:


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Loss of Identity

In America we often identify ourselves by what we do.  I was a musician, a student, and an athlete.  I felt like I knew my place in society, and that I was on the path to achieve what I set out to do.  In Brazil I’m without all three of these parts of my identity. 

I feel so lost without my instruments by my side.  I have to admit that when I entered high school I sort of fell off with my cello and my saxophone.  But now there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t yearn for just five minutes with my cello.  By getting involved with musical  groups has proved to be a challenge here.  Mainly it’s because of the instruments I play.  If I had chosen guitar, then I would have fit right in here!  My host grandfather fixed up a keyboard for Annabella and I to play.  While this is a good opportunity work out my musical frustrations, it doesn’t provide the social interactions of an orchestra or band. 

Some days in school I feel very out of place as well.  I wasn’t given a textbook, so I don’t have any means to study for tests, or do the work.  All of the problems for the different subjects are included in the textbook with space to write.  So I usually read of the student next to me, and try to participate the best I can.  But I still feel out of place.  I’ve never truly felt frustrated in school, it was always a place that I felt like I belonged.  As my language level increases things are getting better in school.  I got my first 100% on a test-granted it was an English test, but considering the questions were in Portuguese, and one was to translate a paragraph, I was fairly proud of myself.

The lack of activities in school here in Brasil is incredibly frustrating for me.  I miss having sports after school-or before during the dreaded swim season!  Haha.  There is an activity center that has many sports, but it is too far for me to walk alone, and I do not have a ride or permission to use the bus alone.  For now I just play soccer in a cement quad near my house. 

I am trying to be patient, knowing that good things come in time. But as someone who was so used to being busy, this is really difficult for me.  I had a meeting with the rotary personal to discuss this, and we are working on finding activities for me. 
Until then I am trying to work out who I am as a person.  Are my interests all that define me?  I think not.  I am using this time to discover who I am within my soul, and I am thankful to have been given this opportunity to do so.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Yesterday was another day for the history books; whether you were an Obama supporter or not, this is undisputable.  It might interest you to know that the US presidential race was widely covered here in Brazil, so I fortunately was not left entirely in the dark.  There’s currently a three hour time difference between Rio and Pennsylvania, so I decided that I would not remain awake awaiting the results.  Instead when I awoke at 6 o´clock for school I immediately asked my good friend Google for the much anticipated response.  Generally speaking, the Brazilian population is in favor of Obama, so when I shared the news at school there were smiles all around.  Granted no outright celebrations, but then again it is not the presidential election of their resident country.
This year has made me realize what a big influence The United States of America has on the surrounding world.  While there are undoubtedly habitants of this world that dislike the US with a burning passion, there are many that think highly of our nation.  Our music and movies are world wide phenomenons-some of the music that tends to be infectiously popular here in Brazil I’d rather forget about, but that’s entirely beside the point.  What I’m trying to say is that while we have experienced many low points as a nation in the past years, the world still looks to us as an example.  It would do our nation well to remember that. 

Interestingly enough, I was present for elections in Brazil as well.  The ways in which the candidates advertise here share similarities and exhibit differences when compared to the US elections.  One of the hardest methods to become accustomed to was the jingles blasting from stereos attached to the roofs of cars.  To be entirely honest, when I first arrived I thought that they were actual songs, and I sang along.  Hehehe.   (Side note-to laugh on the internet klike a Brazilian, there are many methods you can use.  The first: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.  The second: rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs.  The third, and my personal favorite: dghdjsilthrjslbgtrjsl. In this method you just pound on whatever keys suit your fancy.) 

Secondly, the candidates pay many people daily to advertise for them.  This is actually illegal in Brazil, but one of the major problems in Brazil is that there are many laws but little to no thorough enforcement of the laws.  They stand 20 in a row on the side of the road with a flag all representing the same candidate.  Others wear boards advertising the candidates and walk downtown handing out little slips of paper with the candidate’s numbers.  Driving anywhere one could find little yard signs placed in incredible numbers along the roadsides.  The amount of money the candidates spend on the campaign is absolutely mind blowing. 

Election day was October 6th here in Brazil.  Between the ages of 16 and 18 voting is optional.  However ,when you turn 18 voting becomes mandatory.  My host mother was not born in Brazil, therefore she cannot vote here.  So, the political hour on TV in the weeks prior to the election was a complete annoyance for the entire household.  We were in São Paulo at the beach when the election occurred, thus my host brother Giancarlo could not vote.  He may only vote in Rio.  Nevertheless, he had to go to the polls that day and explain why he couldn’t vote.  Had he not done that he would have been fined.  Additionally, Brazil decides the winners of the election based on popular vote.  My history teacher explained the electoral college to my classmates, and many seemed completely confounded by the idea. 

In elections all over the world I believe there are people who remain disappointed, and those who are excited.  The only thing one can do is remain grateful that we live in a nation where our votes are counted and our voices heard.  Let us never forget that!

My sad excuse for a caricature because  I wasn't understanding the chemistry lesson...