26. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

Sunday, October 28, 2012


How blessed am I?  Three months ago I set out on an airplane alone not knowing for certain what was awaiting me upon departure.  Thankfully I was welcomed into a fantastic host family.  But not only do I have a great living situation here, I have TONS of support back home.  Prior to leaving, previous exchange students warned us that our friends and family might not be as supportive as we might imagine.

However, I have found that this does not hold true for me.  I have received immense amounts of love and support-even from places that I never imagined!  I have the support of my Mom and Dad, and my four brothers.  It’s harder than I ever imagined being away from them, no matter how much we might bicker while together, there’s a lot of love in my family.  I am incredibly lucky to have four incredibly loving grandparents. Not many people my age can say that.  I have my cousins and aunts who have e-mailed and skyped me interested in what’s going on.

I am incredibly grateful for my three best friends: Jananne, Que, and Veronica.  Though there’s a great amount of physical distance between us-with Jananne in London and I in Rio, our friendship still holds strong.  I have my co-workers from Camp Kirchenwald who are always there for me.  They are more than friends, rather more like family.  (By the way Vicky, Kait, Christine, and Jonathan-I really loved wearing the key here).  It should be on its way to you Vicky, if it hasn’t already arrived.  Additionally I have support from countless members of my church, who I know are praying for my safety and well being.   I have the support of extended family, and family friends.  I have the support of many that I went to high school with.



On Friday I was having a rough day, so I took a nap after school.  I woke up to my host brother bringing me a package that had just arrived.  I was completely taken aback-I hadn’t asked my parents to mail anything I’d forgotten, and no one had told me of anything that they were going to mail.  It turned out to be from my previous teachers at the high!  It was a wonderful surprise that I very much appreciated.  Thank you all.


The saying goes:  You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.  While I’m certain that this holds true in some instances, I think that for my situation it can be slightly altered.  Perhaps it could be rearranged to say:  You don’t know who has got your back until you take a leap of faith.  Thank you all for your kind words, letters, facebook messages, thoughts, and prayers.  I never realized who all stood behind me, and now I can be nothing but grateful.

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