26. “Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

Monday, May 6, 2013

A beautiful city

The other week, we exchange students decided that we wanted to see the city lights from up high.  Of course, as exchange students we always try to find the cheapest way to do things as possible.  So we decided to climb the sugar loaf in order to see the sunset.  We embarked on the upward journey conquering the smaller mountain around 4 o’clock, and the journey took about half an hour.  At 5, the sun is already setting!  At a little before 6 it’s pitch dark. 

The city is beautiful at night, especially from a bird’s eye view!  Looking down I remember thinking to myself, this is why they call it the wonderful city…

I think though that every big city looks better at night.  Something about the little specks of light on the black canvass we call the sky is breathtaking.  Two weeks after I arrived I remember driving back from the airport after dropping Nicholas off to board his plane to York.

 We had taken a van so that his friends could come and see him off.  I mentioned that I thought the favela looked very pretty at night.  I had only seen the lights, and hadn’t known that it was a slum.  They laughed at me and said favelas aren’t pretty.  But I have to admit, I think there is an aspect of beauty in them.  The vibrant colors in the day, and at night the lights. 

We couldn’t go down for free on the cable cars until 7 and it was much too dark to hike back down, so we bought some ice cream and sat around a table laughing and reminiscing on our year.  How fast it’s gone by.  Wow.  In less than a month, the first exchange student will go home, with the rest of us following shortly behind.  I’m so accustomed to seeing everyone here, and in a couple of months we’ll be spread out throughout the world.  It’s incredible what this year has given me…

At the top right hand corner you can see the christ!

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